Easter Island Symposium 2000
First AccessNova Forum:
Advanced Communications for the Global Information Age
To establish a top forum discussion and promote further human networking between high level experts from Japan/Asia and Chile/South America, closely related to the AccessNova Program, with the purpose of shaping future actions to enhance the rapid development and social implementation of advanced communication technologies.���
Sun Apr 30th
am-arrival to Santiago (most foreign participants)
16:40 departure from Santiago (LA833)
20:45 arrival to Easter Island (LA833)
pm-check-in Hotel Hanga Roa
Mon May 1st
am-Easter Island Sightseeing Tour (Ranokau, Vinapu)
Lunch at hotel
pm-Easter Island Sightseeing Tour (Akivi, Tahai)
Tue May 2nd
09:30-09:45 � Forum (opening)
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Eduardo Vera, UChile
Hideo Yamamoto, NTT Labs
09:45-10:45 � Forum (participants presentation)
by all members for 2 minutes self introduction
10:45-11:00 � Forum (AccessNova multimedia presentation)
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prepared by UChile
11:00-11:30 � Coffee Break
11:30-13:00 � Forum (AccessNova review)
Eduardo Vera, UChile�� (general overview)
Yuji Inoue, NTT Data Corp (early development stages)
Walter Grote, Santa Maria Univ. (AccessNova networks and applications in Chile)
Hideo Yamamoto, NTT Labs (AccessNova networks and applications in Japan)
Noriyoshi Yamauchi, NTT Labs (Japan-Chile Centennial activities)
Eduardo Vera, UChile� (UChile technology business incubation activities)
Samuel Ishii, NTT Brazil (NTT business incubation trial)
Mitsuji Matsumoto, Waseda University (research student trainee activities)
Kenzo Takahashi, Multimedia University, Malaysia (university research activities)
Hendrik Berndt, TINA-C (TINA'97 conference, university collaboration)
Eduardo Vera, UChile� (activities summary and statistics)
13:00-15:00 Lunch at hotel
15:00-16:30 Forum (Asia-Pacific Academic Programs)
Patricia Vargas, UChile (interdisciplinary collaboration projects at UChile)
Itsuki Yasuyoshi, Waseda University (interdisciplinary collaboration projects at Waseda)
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17:30-18:30 Forum (Easter Island Studies)
Claudio Cancino, UChile (recovery and conservation of archaeological heritage)
19:30-22:30 Welcome Dinner at hotel (Polynesian style)
Wed May 3rd
09:30-11:00 Forum (Advanced Communication Technologies 1)
Hisao Uose, NTT Labs, Japan (radioastronomy experiments with ultra-high speed networks)
Masato Ishiguro, NAOJ (National Astronomy Observatory of Japan)
(LMSA/ALMA Project: NTT-NAOJ program on photonics technologies)
Leonardo Bronfman, UChile
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-13:00 Forum (Advanced Communication Technologies 2)
Kenichi Tatematsu, NAOJ (National Astronomy Observatory of Japan)
(importance of remote operation, data quick look, and archive in radio astronomy: toward future Chile-Japan Collaboration)
Guillermo Delgado, ESO (European Southern Observatories) Chile
Walter Grote, Santa Maria University (wireless data communications)���������
13:00-15:00 Lunch at hotel
15:00-16:30 Forum (Advanced Communication Technologies 3)
Mitsuji Matsumoto, Waseda University (computer aided collaborative learning in the classroom)
Kinji Ono, NII (Japanese National Institute of Informatics) (NII within changing academic and research environment)
Maurizio Arienzo, United Technologies, USA (Service and After Market e-Business)
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-18:00 Forum (Brainstorming/feedback: implementation plans)
�- as Team Leaders: Eduardo Vera, UChile
����������������������������� Hideo Yamamoto, NTT Labs
�- as Advisors:�������� Sadahiko Kano, Edingburgh University, UK
����������������������������� Hen Teik Chuah, Multimedia University, Malaysia
�- as Promoters:������ Yuji Inoue, NTT Data Corp
����� ������������������������Pedro Aguilera, Telefonica CTC Mundo, Chile
Opinions on what could be achieved and what should be planned to implement it.
18:00-18:30 Forum (Brainstorming/feedback: final conclusions)
as Team Leaders: Eduardo Vera, UChile
�������������������������� Hideo Yamamoto, NTT Labs
To summarize agreements and disagreement points, to try and reach consensus to set final recommendations for the future AccessNova agenda.
Thu May 4th
Easter Island Archaelogy Tour (south coast, Ranoraraku)
Farewell Lunch in countryside (traditional style)
Easter Island Archaelogy Tour (Tonariki, Anakena)
Fri May 5th
am-check-out Hotel Hanga Roa
11:30 Flight departure from Easter Island (LA834)�
18:10 Flight arrival to Santiago (LA834)
Optional Tour to northern Astronomy Sites
20:00 Flight departure from Santiago to Calama (LA143)
Bus transportation from Calama to San Pedro de Atacama
check-in at Hoster�a don Tom�s and Hoster�a San Pedro
Sat May 6th
am-brief touristic visit of San Pedro de Atacama
Visit to Chajnantor Site (Future ALMA Radioastronomy Observatory at 5000m)
pm-visit to Moon Valley�
dinner in San Pedro de Atacama
Sun May 7th
Check-out at Hoster�a don Tom�s and Hoster�a San Pedro
Bus transportation from San Pedro de Atacama to Calama
12:00 Flight from Calama (LA143)
12:35 Flight arrival to Antofagasta (LA143)
Visit to Paranal Site (ESO Optical Astronomy Observatory)
20:40 Flight departure from Antofagasta (LA193)
22:30 Flight arrival to Santiago (LA193)
Mon May 8th
09:30-12:30� First AccessNova Forum (Santiago Program)
Advanced Communications for The Global Information Age
AccessNova 5th Anniversary Forum at UChile (School of Engineering and Science)
(Gorbea Auditorium, Beaucheff 850, Santiago)
with Rector, students, academic and business leaders, journalists
09:30 Welcome�
09:45 Dean Victor Perez (opening remarks)
10:00 AccessNova 5th year Review (Eduardo Vera, Hideo Yamamoto)��
10:20 Coffee Break
10:30 Technical Presentations
Kenji Ono, National Informatics Institute, Japan
(NII within changing academic and research environment)
�Masato Ishiguro, National Astronomy Observatory, Japan
(LMSA/ALMA Project: NTT-NAOJ program on photonics technologies)
�Yuji Inoue, NTT Data Corp., Japan
(Information Networking Revolution)
�Maurizio Arienzo, United Technologies, USA
(Service and After Market e-Business)
11:45 Rector Luis Riveros (closing remarks)
Reception at Basement Lobby�