Hakone-Musashino Symposium 2002
GEMNet-Galaxy/Second AccessNova Forum:
Advanced Communication and Information Technologies to bridge Asia and South America�
Thu May 23rd
Chile Delegation program:
am�� Chile-Japan Business Committee Meeting
����� �(Reports on Japanese and Chilean Economies)
pm�� Chile-Japan Business Committee Meeting
������� (Report on Propects of Free Trade Agreement between Japan and Chile)
Fri May 24th
Chile Delegation program
�am��� Chile-Japan Business Committee Meeting
��������� (Report on JICA/CORFO Study on IT in Chile)
pm��� Technical visit to NTT Labs Musashino Exhibition Hall
��������� and NTT Technology History Center (optional)
Sat May 25th
AccessNova Forum weekend program (Hakone Hotsprings)
am��� Departure from Tokyo to Hakone-Yumoto
������� (reachable by Odakyu line trains from Shinjuku)
�������� Check-in at Tensei-en Ryokan (Japanese style spa/hot-springs)
pm��� Informal business and technical discussions
�������� Dinner, social activities and overnight stay
Sun May 26th
AccessNova Forum weekend program (Hakone Hotsprings)
am��� informal business and technical discussions
�������� Check-out at Tensei-en Ryokan
pm��� Lunch, social and touristic sightseeing activities
�������� Departure from Hakone to Tokyo (by rented Van)
Mon May 27th
AccessNova Forum Optional Technical Program (Musashino, Tokyo)
am��� Free time
pm��� Technical visit to NTT Labs Musashino Exhibition Hall
�������� and NTT Technology History Center (optional)
Tue May 28th
09:00-18:00�� AccessNova Forum Technical Program-1 (Musashino, Tokyo)
09:00-09:15��� Meeting Registration at NTT Labs Musashino
09:15-09:30��� Opening Ceremony (*)
09:30-10:00��� Meeting Overview: present activities (*)
10:00-12:00��� Session 1: High-speed networking and remote astronomy (*)
10:00-10:20���� �Remote Radio Astronomy�, Leonardo Bronfman, UChile
10:20-10:40���� �Current Status of ASTE (Atacama Submillimeter Telescope
���������������������� Experiment�, Seiichi Sakamoto, NAOJ
10:40-11:00���� �Remote Operation System of ASTE�, Hajime Ezawa, NAOJ
11:00-11:20���� �ALMA(Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array) and
����������������������� Collaboration with AccessNova�, Masato Ishiguro, NAOJ
11:20-11:40���� �High-speed Network for ALMA and its Applications�,
����������������������� Kenichi Tatematsu, NAOJ
11:40-12:00���� �KSP and GALAXY: Realtime VLBI projects in Japan�,
����������������������� Hisao Uose, NTT Labs
12:00-14:00��� Lunch
14:00-15:30��� Session 2: Large Data Bases
14:00-14:30���� �Search Mechanisms in the Web�, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, UChile
14:30-15:00���� �Intelligent Data Analysis Using Neural Networks�,
����������� ������������Pablo Est�vez, UChile
15:00:15:30���� �Web Data Mining�, Juan Velasquez, University of Tokyo
15:30-16:00��� Coffee Break
16:00-17:30��� Session 3: Biology of Knowledge
16:00-16:30���� �Biology of Knowledge�, Juan Carlos Letelier, UChile
16:30-17:00���� �Formal Description of Autopoiesis from a Perspective of the
����������������������� Theory of Category�,� Tatsuya Nomura, Hannan University
17:00:17:30���� �A Computational Model of the Emergence and Evolution of
�������������������� ���Self-mantaining Proto-cells�, Naoaki Ono, ATR, and
����������������������� Takashi Ikegami, University of Tokyo
18:00-20:00��� Reception at Kagei Restaurant (NTT R&D Center Musashino)
Wed May 29th
09:00-18:00��� AccessNova Forum Technical Program-2 (Musashino, Tokyo)
09:00-11:30��� Session 4: International Collaboration of R&E Networks (*)
09:00-09:20���� �International Collaboration of Internet2�, Heather Boyles, Internet2
09:20-09:40���� �Abilene and its upgrade plan�, Chris Heerman, Internet2
09:40-10:00���� �Remote Instrumentation and high-speed networking�,
����������������������� Charles Yun, Internet2
10:00-10:20���� �AMPATH Project�, Heidi Alvarez, Florida International University
10:20-10:40���� �Chilean R&E Networks�, Florencio Utreras, REUNA, Chile
10:40-11:00���� �GEMnet and International Collaborations�,
����������������������� Masayasu Yamaguchi, NTT Labs
11:00-11:30��� �Remote Lecture between Kyoto University and UCLA�,
����������������������� Motonori Nakamura
11:30-12:30��� Session 5:� Wireless Multimedia (*)
11:30-11:50���� �WDM Experiment in Chile�, Walter Grote, Santa Mar�a University
11:50-12:10���� �Wireless Research FONDEF Projects�,
����������������������� Rodolfo Feick, Santa Mar�a University
12:10-12:30��� �Wireless Radio�,� Luis Loyola, University of Electro-Communications
12:30-14:00��� Lunch
14:00-16:30��� Session 6: remote collaboration, e-learning (*)
14:00-14:30�� �Overview of the relationship between Waseda University and� the
���������������������� University of Chile�,� Mitsuji Matsumoto, Waseda University
14:30-15:00���� �A Collaborative System for Developing Educational Material over the
���������������������� Internet�, Itsuki Yasuyoshi, Waseda University
15:00-15:30���� �Web-based Student Testing System and its Results on
������������������������ Understanding English History Subjects�,
������������������������ Leandro Llanza, Waseda University
15:30-16:00���� �Interactive Teaching System over Network: The MOAI Project�,
����������������������� Ken Tsutsuguchi, NTT Media Corporation
16:00-16:30���� �Usasbility Inspection on Pilot Experiment on Distant Lectures from
����������������������� Tokai University, Japan to Multimedia University, Malaysia�,
����������������������� Kiyoshi Nosu et al, Tokai University
16:30-17:00��� Coffee break
17:00-18:00��� Final Session: Future Activities
19:00������������� Executive Committee dinner meeting (optional)
(*) Virtual VideoConference Presentations from USA and Chile
����� using GEMnet/Internet2/AMPATH/REUNA.